
Limits in mindburp for lists, burps, comments etc.

All limits are subject to change without notice
Type Free PRO
Per user
Lists Free: 1000 PRO: 1000
Active burps Free: 500 PRO: 500
Number of burps (including archive) Free: 1000 PRO: 1000
Comments Free: 100 PRO: unlimited
Members per list Free: 5 PRO: 15
Reminders Free: 30 PRO: 500
Assign burps Free: PRO: 500
Zapier connected burps in burp bucket Free: 20 PRO: Unlimited
General limits
Characters per username Free: 20 PRO: 20
Characters per list title Free: 120 PRO: 120
Characters per burp title Free: 120 PRO: 120
Characters per burp description Free: 512 PRO: 512
Comments per burp Free: 100 PRO: 100
Characters per comment Free: 320 PRO: 320